52 Frames: One Light Source

June 08, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Twenty: One light sourceTwenty: One light source

Week 20: One Light Source

            Shot this around 2 am Sunday morning, and she looks radiant! This was a hectic week. Was super busy at work all week, and had another shoot for Saturday. Finished that shoot at 6 pm, picked up a few friends and headed to dinner. Luckily, there were staying over for the night as we were headed to Philadelphia the next day. So we set up the softbox and took turns shooting our respective photos!

           This is a shot of my very close friend, Roslyn. Before the shoot, I had her style her hair on one side so I could place some flowers and pine leaves in it. We then practiced posing (this was the first time she was acting as my muse). We shot 50 takes, and I had my photo!

            This image was edited in Lightroom to add a bit of warmth and decrease the highlights. I increased the blacks so they weren't as black, and I readjusted the shadows to add a subtle orange-pink glow. Finally, I adjusted the RGB curve for a soft matte look, and slightly increased the clarity for a touch of sharpness. Finished all time minutes to 4 am, submitted and went to bed... we were scheduled to leave in the morning at 8 am!

            Special thank you to Roslyn for being such a sport! The remainder of the group's album can be seen here.

Photo Specs:

     F-stop: f/1.4
     Exposure time: 1/100
     ISO speed: 200
     Focal length: 50 mm



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