Photo Project: Week 23

September 14, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

        This photo was completely last minute, but the concept has been with me all week. Since my return to Fifty-two frames for inspirational themes, I've found that it's pretty difficult to execute their themes without doing the overly obvious.

       That said, the theme for this week was "What is it?" However, since I think that this is purely open-ended, I'm calling this "A Walk Across the Rainbow." 

A Walk Across the Rainbow

        Indeed, it's just a few colored pencils laid out, but getting these shades in order was quite the task! Moreover, finding a proper angle from which to shoot this from was another challenge in itself. Sighs... After about an hour, I changed the layout for the third time and decided on a very straightforward shot. Since I was bouncing around rainbow concepts in my head, I finally settled on naming this A Walk Across the Rainbow. If you look closely (and suspend some reality :)), the pencils sorta create a bridge above the black canvas that seems too dirty to get one's feet in. But it's not just a bridge! Of course not! Each plank is a different color, the sorta shades one would see in a rainbow.... no?

       Well... that's my blurb for this week. Stay tuned for Week 24!

Photo Specs: 

     F-stop: f/1.8
     Exposure time: 1/4 at f/4.5
     ISO speed: 100
     Focal length: 50 mm


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